Interactive charts with StimulusReflex
When you are building spreadsheet replacement applications for business users, you will inevitably need to build charts and graphs to help users learn about trends in their account, share updates with executives, and use data to make decisions. Also, a certain segment of users just love looking at pretty charts.
In this chapter, we are going to use ApexCharts and StimulusReflex to add two sample charts to the account dashboard, tracking inbound applicant volume over time and presenting a snapshot of the account’s current hiring pipeline.
Users will be able to filter the charts in a variety of ways, with StimulusReflex handling updating the charts as the user changes their filters.
The finished version of the dashboard will look like this:
Applicants over time chart
The first chart we will build is a line chart displaying new applications received by day, with the day as the x-axis and the number of applications received that day as the y-axis.
Both charts will be created using ApexCharts. Install it from your terminal:
yarn add apexcharts
We will use StimulusReflex to handle initializing charts and re-rendering the chart when the user changes the chart filters.
First, create a new reflex from your terminal:
rails g stimulus_reflex applicants_chart
rails stimulus:manifest:update
Remember that generating a reflex creates both a server-side reflex (app/reflexes/applicants_chart_reflex.rb
) and a client-side Stimulus controller (app/javascript/controllers/applicants_chart_controller.js
). Update the Stimulus controller first:
import ApplicationController from './application_controller'
import ApexCharts from "apexcharts"
export default class extends ApplicationController {
static targets = ["chart"]
static values = {
categories: Array,
series: Array
initialize() {
this.chart = new ApexCharts(this.chartTarget, this.chartOptions);
get chartOptions() {
return {
chart: {
height: "400px",
type: 'line',
series: [{
name: 'Applicants',
data: this.seriesValue
xaxis: {
categories: this.categoriesValue,
type: 'datetime'
stroke: {
curve: "smooth"
This controller imports the ApexChart
package and initializes a new chart, using this.chartTarget
to attach the chart to a DOM element.
The data for the chart is read from the DOM using the categories
and series
tells ApexCharts what type of chart we want to create. The options here are all well documented in the ApexCharts documentation.
We need to connect the Stimulus controller to the DOM. Update the dashboard show page:
Here we have the basic structure of the new dashboard page layout, rendering an applicants_chart
partial that will display the chart we are building now and with a placeholder for the hiring pipeline chart we will build next.
Notice that we are passing @categories
and @series
to the applicants chart partial. We will set these values in the dashboard
controller for our first pass at this feature.
The applicants_chart
partial does not exist yet. Create it now from your terminal:
touch app/views/dashboard/_applicants_chart.html.erb
And fill the new partial in with:
This partial connects the applicants-chart
controller to the DOM and adds an empty div with a chart
target. This div will be populated with the chart from ApexCharts — recall the initialize
function in applicants_chart_controller.js
this.chart = new ApexCharts(this.chartTarget, this.chartOptions);
This is a common pattern when working with third party JavaScript libraries that attach behavior to the browser. Stimulus initializes the library, sets the needed options, and then uses initialize
or connect
lifecycle methods along with target
elements to add the desired behavior on the front end.
Earlier in this book we used a very similar pattern to enable drag and drop with Sortablejs.
With the partial ready to go, next we need to update the DashboardController
to populate the series
and categories
values for the chart.
Head to the DashboardController
and update it:
class DashboardController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_user!
def show
report_data =
@categories = report_data.keys.to_json
@series = report_data.values.to_json
Here, we are calling a new Charts::ApplicantsChart
class to run the queries needed for the applicants chart, and using the data the generate
method returns to set the categories
and series
values, transformed to json
for use by ApexCharts
on the frontend.
Before this will work, we need to define the Charts::ApplicantsChart
class. Create the class from your terminal:
mkdir app/models/charts
touch app/models/charts/applicants_chart.rb
And then update the new class:
class Charts::ApplicantsChart
def initialize(account_id)
@account_id = account_id
def generate
applicants = query_data
def query_data
.where('applicants.created_at > ?', 90.days.ago)
def zero_fill_dates(applicants)
({}) do |date, hash|
hash[date] = applicants.fetch(date, 0)
Here we have a standard ActiveRecord query to fetch applicants that match the date range we are looking for (hard coded to the last 3 months, for now), grouped into a hash with the day the applicants were created as the keys and the number of applicants that applied that day as the values.
Then we use zero_fill_dates
to populate the applicant data hash with any days that had zero applicants apply.
Application flow in an applicant tracking system can be very spiky. Especially when data is filtered down to a single job, having multiple days (or even weeks) in a row with zero applicants is common. Without this clean up step, our applicant flow chart could look very strange, with large chunks of time missing with no explanation.
With this new class defined and the DashboardController
updated, we can head to http://localhost:3000/ and see our nice new line chart rendering.
You should generate some fake data for the applicants table to make the charts a little more interesting. You could use a tool like faker for this. Or, to keep things simple, you can run a script like this from the Rails console:
account = Account.first # whatever account you are testing with
500.times do |n|
Applicant.create(first_name: 'Test', last_name: 'Test', email: "test#{n}", job:, stage: Applicant.stages.values.sample, created_at: rand(0..90).days.ago)
Before making this chart dynamic, let’s create the second chart for the dashboard.
Hiring stages chart
The second chart on the dashboard is a pie chart showing a current snapshot of how applicants are distributed between the four hiring stages, from application to hire.
Like the applicants chart, the hiring stages chart will rely on StimulusReflex. Generate the reflex from your terminal to get started:
rails g stimulus_reflex hiring_stages
rails stimulus:manifest:update
And then fill in the hiring_stages
Stimulus controller:
import ApplicationController from './application_controller'
import ApexCharts from "apexcharts"
export default class extends ApplicationController {
static targets = ["chart"]
static values = {
labels: Array,
series: Array
initialize() {
this.chart = new ApexCharts(this.chartTarget, this.chartOptions);
get chartOptions() {
return {
chart: {
type: 'pie',
height: '400px'
series: this.seriesValue,
labels: this.labelsValue,
This is very similar to the applicants chart controller, with different options and values.
Next, create the hiring_stages_chart
class that we will use to query the database for the data we need to render the chart:
touch app/models/charts/hiring_stages_chart.rb
And fill that class in:
class Charts::HiringStagesChart
def initialize(account_id)
@account_id = account_id
def generate
def query_data
returns a hash with stage names as the keys and the number of applicants in each stage as the values.
Update the DashboardController
to build the data for the hiring stage chart:
class DashboardController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_user!
def show
report_data =
@categories = report_data.keys.to_json
@series = report_data.values.to_json
stage_data =
@stage_labels =
@stage_series = stage_data.values.to_json
This action is getting a little messy. We will refactor it later in this chapter, but before refactoring our code, let’s get the charts fully functional.
Next up, add the hiring stages partial from your terminal:
touch app/views/dashboard/_hiring_stages_chart.html.erb
And fill the new partial in:
This is very similar to the applicants chart partial. Let’s render this partial on the Dashboard show page:
At this point, both of the charts we built display correctly when we visit the dashboard, but there is no way for the user to interact with them.
Charts are not very useful unless they can be adjusted to drill down (or zoom out) to the data the user cares about. Fortunately, with a little bit more StimulusReflex we can add filtering options to both charts. Let’s tackle the hiring stages chart first.
Filter hiring stages chart
Most of the time, a user in an applicant tracking system is not interested in all of the data in their account. Instead, they are often interested in what is happening with a single job or type of job. In this section, we are going to add a job filter to the hiring stage chart so that users can see the current hiring stage breakdown for applicants in one job at a time.
Begin by updating the hiring stages partial to add a form with a select input above the chart:
Notice that the form tag does not have an action. This is because we are never actually going to submit this filter form. Instead, in the select
tag, we have a data-action
attribute that triggers hiring-stages#update
each time the input changes.
Next, define update
in the hiring stages Stimulus controller:
update(event) {
this.stimulate("HiringStages#update",, { serializeForm: true })
afterUpdate() {
triggers the server-side HiringStages#update
method, passing in the element that triggered the update
call. In this case,
because the change
event on that input is what triggers the update
method. We also include the serializeForm
option, which, combined with our dummy <form>
tag in the markup, allows us to easily access the current values of all form inputs in the server-side reflex.
uses StimulusReflex lifecycle callbacks to trigger ApexCharts' updateOptions method which will cause the chart to re-render in the UI after the update
reflex runs.
Let’s see what this looks like on the server-side now.
First, we need to update the Charts::HiringStagesChart
class to handle the new job filter option. Update HiringStagesChart
like this:
class Charts::HiringStagesChart
def initialize(account_id, job_id = nil)
@account_id = account_id
@job_id = job_id
def generate
def query_data
Here, we added the job_id
parameter to the initialize
method and then updated query_data
to use the existing for_job
scope. We added this scope back in the chapter on filtering the applicants page and it works perfectly for this purpose too.
Head to app/reflexes/hiring_stages_reflex.rb
class HiringStagesReflex < ApplicationReflex
def update
data = retrieve_data(params[:job_id])
stage_labels, stage_series = assign_data(data)
.set_dataset_property(name: 'hiringStagesLabelsValue', selector: '#stage-chart-container', value: stage_labels)
.set_dataset_property(name: 'hiringStagesSeriesValue', selector: '#stage-chart-container', value: stage_series)
morph :nothing
def retrieve_data(job_id), job_id).generate
def assign_data(data)
[, data.values.to_json]
and assign_data
fetch the data we need to build the chart. Once the data is ready, CableReady’s set_dataset_property
operation allows us to update the hiring-stages-labels
and hiring-stages
data attributes in the DOM.
Since ApexCharts uses those data attributes to display the chart’s data, all we need to change are those two attributes. Once we broadcast those operations, we finish the reflex with a nothing
After this reflex runs, the afterUpdate
callback in the Stimulus controller runs and, because we updated the data attributes during the reflex, the chart updates with the new data.
Thanks to ApexCharts, it also nicely animates the transition:
Next, add a date range filter to the applicants chart. This filter will allow users to view data for a specific period of time.
Filter applicants chart
We do not want to ask our users to figure out how to type in valid dates for the date range filter, so we will add flatpickr to the project to build usable date picker inputs. Helpfully, there is a Stimulus flatpickr wrapper, which we will use to interact with flatpickr.
Add both of those projects, and create a new Stimulus controller from your terminal:
yarn add stimulus-flatpickr flatpickr
rails g stimulus flatpickr
And then import the flatpickr css into app/assets/stylesheets/application.tailwind.css
@import "flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.css"
Head to the new flatpickr_controller
and update it:
import Flatpickr from 'stimulus-flatpickr'
export default class extends Flatpickr {
static targets = ["start", "end"]
connect() {
disconnect() {}
The flatpickr
controller expects a start
and end
target, and initializes both targets as flatpickr inputs.
We use separate start and end targets since we may want to interact with those inputs separately in the future.
Update the applicants_chart
partial to add the date range filter options with flatpickr connected to the inputs:
Similar to the hiring stages chart, we have a dummy form
wrapping the inputs. Both inputs are connected to the flatpickr
controller, and both have the same data-action
to trigger applicants-chart#update
on change events.
Update the applicants chart Stimulus controller to add the update
and afterUpdate
update() {
this.stimulate('ApplicantsChart#update',, { serializeForm: true })
afterUpdate() {
series: [{
data: this.seriesValue
xaxis: {
categories: this.categoriesValue
Hopefully this looks very familiar. Update the ApplicantsChartReflex
class ApplicantsChartReflex < ApplicationReflex
def update
report_data = retrieve_data(current_user.account_id, params)
categories, series = assign_data(report_data)
.set_dataset_property(name: 'applicantsChartCategoriesValue', selector: '#applicants-chart-container', value: categories)
.set_dataset_property(name: 'applicantsChartSeriesValue', selector: '#applicants-chart-container', value: series)
morph :nothing
def retrieve_data(account_id, params), params).generate
def assign_data(data)
[data.keys.to_json, data.values.to_json]
Seeing a pattern here, right? Query for the data and then use CableReady broadcasts to update the data-attributes in the DOM.
We are passing in params
to the ApplicantsChart
. We need to update the ApplicantsChart
to use the passed in params
class Charts::ApplicantsChart
def initialize(account_id, params = {})
@account_id = account_id
@start_date = params[:start_date].presence || default_start_date
@end_date = params[:end_date].presence ||
def generate
applicants = query_data
def query_data
.where(applicants: { created_at: @start_date..@end_date })
def zero_fill_dates(applicants)
(@start_date.to_date..@end_date.to_date).each_with_object({}) do |date, hash|
hash[date] = applicants.fetch(date, 0)
def default_start_date
Here, we added the @start_date
and @end_date
instance variables. These instance variables are read from params when present and otherwise falling back to default values.
We also updated query_data
to use the @start_date
and @end_date
Whew. With that last piece in place, we can now visit the dashboard and apply a start and end date to the applicants chart and, if all has gone well, the chart will update automatically as we apply the filters.
Great work on this! We will finish up this chapter — and this book! — by refactoring our code a bit. Right now, our controller action is doing more than it should, and we have a lot of duplicate code between the applicants chart and the hiring stages chart.
Refactoring charts
Our charts work — they display on the dashboard and users can change the filters and get updated data right away — but we have a few things we can do to make the experience better for us as developers and for our users.
The first thing you may have noticed is that when compared to all of the other pages in the application, the dashboard is slow. If you add a few thousands applicants to the database visiting the dashboard starts to drag a bit, even in a development environment.
We can speed up the initial visit to the dashboard by moving the charts out into their own turbo lazy-loaded turbo frames. This move will also have the benefit of cleaning up the dashboard show controller which is already pretty messy with only two charts to display.
To move the charts to lazy loaded turbo frames, we need to create a route to use for the src
value for the turbo frame. To handle this new requirement, start with a new controller.
From your terminal:
rails g controller Charts show
And then update the routes file to name the charts#show
route for convenience:
get 'charts/show', as: :chart
Fill in the new ChartsController
class ChartsController < ApplicationController
before_action :set_chart
before_action :authenticate_user!
def show
report_data =
@labels = report_data.keys.to_json
@series = report_data.values.to_json
@chart_partial = chart_to_partial
def set_chart
@chart = params[:chart_type]
def chart_to_partial
@chart.gsub('Charts::', '').underscore
The controller has just one action, show
, which uses a little Ruby magic to render any chart we add to our application.
The first key piece to notice is the
call in show
. We are going to pass a string representation of the class name of the chart we want to render as the chart_type
param. constantize
converts that string to a Ruby class so we can then instantiate a new instance of the class and generate
new chart data.
The other piece of Ruby that’s important to catch is the chart_to_partial
method, where we again use the chart_type
params to translate the chart into a matching partial path. We will use @chart_partial
on the front end to render the matching partial in charts/show.html.erb
Let’s see that in action by updating the charts show view:
We use the @chart_partial
instance variable to render the right partial and, importantly, we also use it to set the id for the Turbo Frame that should be replaced each time charts#show
is rendered.
Next, update app/views/dashboard/show.html.erb
to replace the inline charts with lazy loaded Turbo Frames pointing to charts#show
Note that we have two Turbo Frames now, one for each chart. Each frame has an id that will match the @chart_partial
value for the chart, and each frame sets the src
value to point to charts#show
with the correct chart_type
Now that the Dashboard is rendering empty Turbo Frames on the initial page load, we can update the DashboardController
like this:
class DashboardController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_user!
def show; end
The DashboardController
now just renders the show
view without querying for chart data.
Move the chart partials from the dashboard
to the charts
mv app/views/dashboard/_applicants_chart.html.erb app/views/charts
mv app/views/dashboard/_hiring_stages_chart.html.erb app/views/charts
Because we standardized the names of the instance variables in the ChartsController
to be @labels
and @series
, we need to update those references in the chart partials. First, update app/views/charts/_applicants_chart.html.erb
And then update the hiring stages chart partial:
Finally, we also changed the name of the categories
value to labels
in the applicants_chart
partial, so we need to update the Stimulus controller and reflex to match:
First the ApplicantsChart
Stimulus controller>:
import ApplicationController from './application_controller'
import ApexCharts from "apexcharts"
export default class extends ApplicationController {
static targets = ["chart"]
static values = {
labels: Array,
series: Array
initialize() {
this.chart = new ApexCharts(this.chartTarget, this.chartOptions);
update() {
this.stimulate('ApplicantsChart#update',, { serializeForm: true })
afterUpdate() {
series: [{
data: this.seriesValue
xaxis: {
categories: this.labelsValue
get chartOptions() {
return {
chart: {
height: "400px",
type: 'line',
series: [{
name: 'Applicants',
data: this.seriesValue
xaxis: {
categories: this.labelsValue,
type: 'datetime'
stroke: {
curve: "smooth"
And then the corresponding reflex:
- .set_dataset_property(name: 'applicantsChartCategoriesValue', selector: '#applicants-chart-container', value: categories)
+ .set_dataset_property(name: 'applicantsChartLabelsValue', selector: '#applicants-chart-container', value: categories)
With that last update, head to the dashboard page and see that the charts load in after the initial page load and that we can still update them with the filter options.
In the next section, we will DRY up our Stimulus controllers a bit by extending controllers.
Base charts controller
Right now, both the applicants_chart
and hiring_stages_chart
Stimulus controller have a significant amount of identical code. Both import the ApexCharts
library, both declare the same targets and values, and they have identical initialize
Instead of duplicating that code across every chart, we can instead move that shared behavior to a new charts
Stimulus controller, which the applicants_chart
and hiring_stages_chart
can then extend
to share behavior while defining their own options and update methods.
To get started, generate a new Stimulus controller from your terminal:
rails g stimulus charts
And then update that new controller to pull in the shared code from the existing applicants_chart
and hiring_stages_chart
import ApplicationController from './application_controller'
import ApexCharts from "apexcharts"
export default class extends ApplicationController {
static targets = ["chart"]
static values = {
labels: Array,
series: Array
initialize() {
this.chart = new ApexCharts(this.chartTarget, this.chartOptions);
afterUpdate() {
Now update the two chart-specific controllers to remove the shared code and extend the ChartsController
First the ApplicantsChart
Stimulus controller:
import ChartsController from './charts_controller'
export default class extends ChartsController {
update() {
this.stimulate('ApplicantsChart#update',, { serializeForm: true })
get chartOptions() {
return {
chart: {
height: "400px",
type: 'line',
series: [{
name: 'Applicants',
data: this.seriesValue
xaxis: {
categories: this.labelsValue,
type: 'datetime'
stroke: {
curve: "smooth"
And then HiringStagesChart
Stimulus controller:
import ChartsController from './charts_controller'
export default class extends ChartsController {
update(event) {
this.stimulate("HiringStages#update",, { serializeForm: true })
get chartOptions() {
return {
chart: {
type: 'pie',
height: '400px'
series: this.seriesValue,
labels: this.labelsValue,
In both controllers, we swapped the imports out with a single import ChartsController
and then removed the targets, values, the initialize
method, and the afterUpdate
method all of which are now provided by the ChartsController
With these changes in place, head back to the dashboard one last time and see that everything still works exactly as it did before.
In the last section of this chapter, we will resolve a few nagging issues with charts in the UI.
Cleaning up chart behavior
Our charts work great, but you might notice that there are two subtle issues with our implementation.
First, after you navigate away from the Dashboard to another page, if you check the JavaScript console in your dev tools, you will see some errors thrown by ApexCharts:
These errors happen because we are not properly tearing down the charts when we navigate away from the page, so ApexCharts does not know the chart elements no longer exist. We can fix this by updating the ChartsController
to destroy the chart when the charts leave the DOM:
disconnect() {
is a built-in Stimulus lifecycle method that is called when the Stimulus controller is removed from the DOM. In it, we use the destroy
method from the ApexCharts
library to remove the chart element and associated event listeners.
After making this change, refresh the Dashboard and then navigate away from the Dashboard to another page in the application and see that the ApexChart errors are no longer thrown in the JavaScript console.
The second issue occurs if you leave Dashboard and then come back. When you do this, you may notice that the charts flicker. They briefly render fully loaded and then they disappear and animate in like we expect them to when a user visits the page. The flickering does not prevent the charts from working, but it is pretty distracting!
This issue is caused by Turbo caching the charts before navigating away from the Dashboard. Turbo caches the final, fully rendered svg of the chart and then, when the user visits the Dashboard again, the cached svg is rendered momentarily before the Stimulus controller reinitializes ApexCharts and the chart is re-rendered.
To resolve this flickering issue, we need to tell Turbo Drive to opt the charts out of caching so that they are always rendered from scratch. We can do this by adding a data-turbo-cache
attribute to both chart elements. This data attribute tells Turbo not to cache the element, as described in the documentation.
First, in app/views/charts/_applicants_chart.html.erb:
And then in app/views/charts/_hiring_stages_chart.html.erb:
In both cases, we added the data-turbo-cache="false"
to the chart element. With this change in place, refresh the Dashboard, then navigate away from the Dashboard to another page, and then come back to the Dashboard. You should see the charts animate in as expected with no flickering. Incredible.
Turbo Drive's caching is usually very helpful. Every now and then, you need to adjust the behavior and Turbo offers a variety of ways to fine-tune caching behavior. It is worthwhile to review the Turbo documentation on caching in full.
Great work in this chapter! We have one chapter left in this book. In it, we will add the ability for users to comment on applicants and, to make things more interesting, we will use StimulusReflex to allow users to mention other users in those comments. This chapter will give us a chance to test our Stimulus and StimulusReflex knowledge and to try out the reusability of the Notification system we built earlier in the book.
To see the full set of changes in this chapter, review this pull request on Github.
Change | Date | PR link |
Added the Cleaning up chart behavior section, adding fixes for chart flickering and tearing down charts with disconnect to prevent JavaScript console errors when leaving the Dashboard.
March 1, 2022 | PR 18 on Github |